Artistic rendering of colorful campus buildings


Taking care of your medical concerns is important for your health and safety. The sooner you receive medical treatment, the more options are available. Medical treatment could come in the form of a medical evidentiary examination (forensic evidence collection), testing and/or treatment for sexually transmitted infections and/or possible pregnancy, 或者治疗其他伤害. Follow-up medical care can be very important.

Medical Evidentiary Examinations (evidence collection/SANE Exams)

A medical evidentiary examination or SANE exam is a way to collect evidence that may be on a persons body from a sexual assault. It is important for health, safety, and evidence collection to have the exam 性侵发生后96小时内

俄亥俄健康奥布莱尼斯医院 has Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) and Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFE) available 24 hours a day to perform these exams. A SANE/SAFE nurse is a registered nurse, specially trained in the care of someone who has been sexually assaulted. SANE可以是男性也可以是女性. 如果你不在雅典, you should call your local emergency room to inquire about the availability of a SANE exam.

You have the right for an advocate and/or another support person (family member, friend) to be with you during any or all parts of the examination. If you would like a SAP advocate to join you at 俄亥俄健康奥布莱尼斯医院, call our hotline at 740-597-SAFE (7233) or have the hospital call for you. It is your choice whether you would like an advocate to be present or not; you can ask the advocate to leave at any time during your exam. The advocate can support you through the process, help you understand your reporting options, provide you with a change of clothes or other hygiene items, and/or assist you in locating safe transportation home.

Health professionals are required by Ohio law to report a sexual assault to law enforcement. 然而, adult 幸存者s can remain anonymous if they choose and will not have to speak to law enforcement or partake in any criminal action pursued by law enforcement. If the 幸存者 does not want to report the assault, the hospital may only provide the date and general location of the assault to law enforcement without giving the patient’s name, address or other identifying information. All persons need to know that even if they are not ready to report at the time of the exam, the best way to preserve evidence should they choose to report later is to have the exam performed. SAP advocates can help 幸存者s understand these options and assert their choices in a clear manner.

What will the Sexual Assault Exam Include?

  • 检查伤情. Photographs and X-rays may be taken, if indicated.

  • Asking you to undress during certain parts of the examination. You will be asked to allow your clothes to be kept as part evidence collection. (SAP and/or O’Bleness can provide you with extra clothing to leave the hospital in).

  • Taking specimens from different areas of your body.

  • Offering medicine to prevent sexually transmitted infection(s).

  • Being screened for emergency contraception pills.

  • 画的血.

You may change your mind or choose not to have any part of the exam conducted.


  • Neither you nor your insurance will be billed for the exam or for the emergency room visit.

  • You or your insurance may be charged for pregnancy testing and emergency contraception.

  • There may be charges to you or your insurance for additional medical injuries. If your health insurance does not cover this, you may be eligible for a refund through the 俄亥俄州总检察长办公室.

  • For more information about the state of Ohio’s process for sexual assault forensic exams visit this page of the 俄亥俄州总检察长.


紧急避孕法, sometimes referred to as the “morning after pill,是用来预防怀孕的. It is most effective when used within 24 hours following the sexual assault. You can obtain emergency contraception at any of your local pharmacies, 医院和计划生育. For more information on medical resources available on campus at newbb电子平台, visit OhioHealth Campus Care at newbb电子平台.



If you are at risk for pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted infections (STI) as a result of a sexual assault, it is important to receive follow-up medical care. This includes testing for pregnancy and the testing and treatment of STIs. It is recommended that you test for STIs two to three weeks after the sexual assault occurred. 如果你担心怀孕, a urine pregnancy test is recommended three weeks after your assault. For a list of services available on campus at newbb电子平台, visit OhioHealth Campus Care at newbb电子平台. SAP can help you with scheduling an appointment within the appropriate timeframe.