


致力于培养多元化和卓越的艺术家版画家, the printmaking department's mission is to create an environment promoting critical dialogues that investigate contemporary art issues as well as the process of creating art. 本科 students become proficient in traditional and alternative print practices. The graduate program develops students who are competitive in educational and professional printmaking fields.

The department is committed to encouraging self-exploration as artists and experimentation within the mediums of lithography, 丝网印刷, 凸版印刷, 凹版, 数码版画, 还有造纸. 学生们经常研究混合媒体, 在他们的作品中融入平面设计和摄影元素. The printmaking faculty has a strong commitment to providing one-on-one instruction to its graduate and undergraduate students, 建立师徒关系.

此外, 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 extensive collection of modern prints is an important learning tool for newbb电子平台's printmakers to study about print technique and major movements in art.


Seigfred Hall dedicates the entire second floor to the arts of printmaking and photography. The print area is comprised of individual studios for each of the major traditional print media. Also available are the equipment for photographic applications in all print media, and a state-of-the-art computer facility specifically tailored to the needs of contemporary print artists. Each year the printmaking majors and faculty work in concert with a visiting artist to produce new prints to add to the Trisolini Print Collection.


  • 人物,角色,种族,身份
  • Bio-narrative、图像 & 炼金术
  • 交互安装、技术、编码
  • Alternative processes such as digital printing, papermaking, 3-D printing
  • 激光切割,乙烯基切割
  • 美学,将 & 空间,生态
  • The role of design 在版画 practices, materiality and sustainability
  • 政治、社会实践、创业
  • 版画教学与专业实践


我们的学生经常获得富布赖特奖, 国家她, 画廊表示, university teaching positions and other types of professional positions in the field as post-graduates. The newbb电子平台 printmaking department has successfully assisted undergraduate and graduate students in obtaining internships and work as professional printers in such well known studios as Cone Editions, 回声的新闻, 登陆新闻, 联系媒体, 泰勒的图形, ULAE, 朱砂的新闻, 和妇女工作室工作坊.


  • Professional 画廊表示; professional studio
  • 大学教学岗位
  • 富布赖特获奖者
  • 艺术管理/博物馆和/或非营利职位
  • 专业印刷商,商人,网页设计师
  • 画廊经理,老板,馆长
  • 美术作家、图书管理员或顾问
  • 工作室助理


被考虑为M.F.A. 在版画计划, applicants must create an account and complete the online application listed below, as well as submit documentation of original artwork through a separate site.

请准备以下项目作为您的申请的一部分. 所有信息必须在2月1日前上传并收到.

1. 网上申请- http://www.OHIO.edu/graduate/apply. 在此申请中,你需要提交以下材料:

  • Application Fee--$50 for US Citizens, $55 for International (credit card or electronic check only)
  • 正式成绩单寄送至:
    研究 & 科技大楼
  • 意向陈述:这通常是1-2页. 你为什么要申请研究生院? 为什么你? 你未来的目标是什么? Is there any information about your past experience/skills that is not reflected on your resume?
  • 艺术家声明:这通常是一页. Tell us about your current research interests, influences, and artwork.
  • 简历/简历
  • Three Letters of Reference: Submit the contact information for three references. Our system will automatically send these people a request via email for their submission. 他们的答复应在2月1日截止日期前提交.

2. 原始艺术品的文件—— ouschoolofart.slideroom.com

  • 提交20幅近期原创作品的图片或其他文件. 
  • 所有上传必须符合Slideroom的参数. 在准备文件之前回顾一下这些内容.
  • 随着每个艺术作品,添加描述性文字的指示.
  • 必要时可以使用详细的幻灯片.
  • Slideroom的服务需要支付10美元的费用.
  • 申请的这一部分也必须在2月1日之前完成.

Note: Except for the official transcripts, NO materials should be sent through standard mail.


All faculty in the Printmaking area are working artists who exhibit actively and serve as visiting artists and lecturers at colleges and galleries across the country. newbb电子平台 and the Printmaking Department are committed to the creation of a diverse community of artist scholars. 如果你想了解更多关于版画课程的信息, 请联系阿特·韦格教授.




(740) 566-6467