


的 alumni career network team is here to support you throughout your career lifecycle. 无论你是否刚刚开始你的人生之路, 想要转行, 重返职场, 或者专注于你现在的职业发展, 我们是来支持你的. 加入我们和你的校友 newbb电子平台网络 看看我们的 即将来临的事件.


newbb电子平台网络 enables the entire 俄亥俄州 community to build connections for today and your future.

和你所在地区的人一起工作, 大学, or affinity; explore our alumni job board; share jobs with your fellow alumni, or current students; discover events and learn about what's new on-campus, and share your success or questions with a wide audience of fellow Bobcats who are here for you.




注册您的电子邮件地址. Answer a few questions about your expertise, what you’re interested in, and how you can help Bobcats. 如果你愿意的话,把你的LinkedIn档案连接起来,一切就都搞定了!

我已经报名了. 现在?

在newbb电子平台网络中你可以做很多事情! 加入符合你兴趣的团体, 地区, or industry – and engage with those specific communities by posting discussions, 索要小费, 或者分享你的工作. 响应连接请求. 在招聘板上发布招聘信息. 浏览即将发生的事件和事件记录. 看看newbb电子平台社区,到处都是newbb电子平台的生意. 在整个讨论板上发帖并分享感兴趣的项目. 与你的朋友分享,建立他们的关系网. 

我已经在领英上了. newbb电子平台网络有什么不同?

newbb电子平台网络充满了愿意帮助其他newbb电子平台的newbb电子平台. 的 connections we all share as Bobcats is uniting, spanning generations. 我们永远是俄亥俄. To help you complete your profile, you can import your LinkedIn data and reach out to Bobcats today!

我在找工作. newbb电子平台网络如何支持我?

By joining the newbb电子平台网络, you will have access to our alumni-only job board. Some of these jobs are posted by your fellow alumni, others are pulled from our career database, 握手. In order to apply to a job pulled from 握手, you will be asked to activate your alumni profile. 握手 also houses career fair events that are open to alumni and you can register once you’ve activated your profile.

我想和我的校友们分享工作机会. 我该怎么做呢?

的 Bobcat family supports one another and Bobcats love working with Bobcats! 如果你的公司有职位空缺, we hope you will consider sharing it under the “Jobs” tab in the newbb电子平台网络. 

我想与在读学生分享工作机会. 我该怎么做呢?

We love that our Bobcat alumni support our students in their career pursuits! 与在读学生分享工作机会,请访问 握手 创建一个雇主账户. 



重新联系以前的学生, 为你的班级或特殊项目找校友演讲者, 宣传即将到来的活动或出版物, 和更多的! 


使用您的俄亥俄州身份证加入. Answer a few questions about your expertise, what you’re interested in, and how you can help Bobcats. 如果你愿意的话,把你的LinkedIn档案连接起来,一切就都搞定了!



You have more than 270,000 connections across the world in newbb电子平台 alumni! Building your professional network early will help you excel in life beyond 大学. 与你所在行业的校友联系,或者了解新的行业. 了解一个你感兴趣的地区. 获得职业建议. 你可能会得到一位终生的朋友或导师. 的 newbb电子平台网络 is full of fellow Bobcats who were once right where you are.


使用您的俄亥俄州身份证加入. Answer a few questions about yourself, and what you're looking for on the site. 如果你在LinkedIn上有个人资料的话,把它连上,一切就都搞定了.


在“Groups”标签下加入一个行业社区. 不要害怕接触新朋友并提出问题. 的 newbb电子平台网络 is a supportive and inclusive environment where you can learn more about life beyond newbb电子平台. 


作为newbb电子平台网络的一员, be prepared to professionally network and hold yourself to high ethical standards. 的se best practices have been established to help guide professionalism/character while interacting with others on the platform. 

诚实 & 完整性

Be sure to provide accurate and professional information in all materials and actions during networking, 通信, 以及在newbb电子平台网络平台上的职业相关活动. 


Communicate and present yourself professionally while also being courteous/respectful of your interactions (in person, 以书面形式, 通过电话, 视频聊天或电子邮件)和: 

  • 确保语音信息和电子邮件的性质是专业的. 
  • Acknowledge calls, emails, and invitations, and respond appropriately in a timely manner. 
  • Attend all scheduled one-on-one interactions with other participants. If possible, provide two business days’ notice for any cancellations. 

网络做的 & 不该做的事

  • 要征求意见和信息吗 
  • 不要要求工作(或实习) 
  • Do send a brief thank you letter or email after networking with a contact 
  • Don’t expect individuals to automatically share their information and networking contacts with you 
  • 是否跟进提供给你的联系人 
  • Don’t spam a contact with multiple emails or stalk them with multiple phone calls 


BN Administrators have the right to remove any content that is deemed inappropriate. Posts or comments may be removed for any of the following reasons, at any time: 

  • 的 use of obscene, threatening, discriminatory, or harassing language 
  • 鼓吹非法活动的言论 
  • Advertisement or promotion of commercial products, services, entities, or individuals 
  • Endorsement or opposition of any person campaigning for election to a political office or promoting or opposing any ballot proposal
  • 同一用户或多个用户的重复评论 
  • Users with repeat offenses may be asked to leave the group or have their account suspended at the discretion of the group administrators 

Consequences of inappropriate behavior include but are not limited to: 

  • 从newbb电子平台网络平台移除 
  • newbb电子平台 has the full authority to remove contacts or inappropriate comments, 消息, 或者任何被认为不适合网站的内容 

If you have questions or concerns about any of the above guidelines, please reach out to bobcatnetwork@俄亥俄州.edu


的 全国领导与成功学会 (NSLS) is the largest and only accredited collegiate leadership development program in the United States. Our local chapter is part of this national organization with more than 750 chapters and over 1.800万现有会员. 



你想从你的职业生涯中获得更多的平衡、成长或影响吗? Feeling bored, burned out, under-appreciated, or not using your strengths at work? Wondering how your skills and experience translate to other career paths? Transitioning to a new phase of life and want to reinvent your career? 这个项目可能正适合你!
