Academic Coaching

In the Academic Achievement Center, academic coaches work one-on-one with you to help you develop better study skills and to improve time management habits, motivation, organizational habits, reading comprehension, and more.  

Hundreds of OHIO students meet with academic coaches when they find themselves procrastinating on assignments, feeling unmotivated to attend class or complete assignments, struggling with test anxiety, or if they just need some general academic support. 

Academic coaches are OHIO students just like you, and they can help you become your best academic self. Sign up today if you want help in any of these areas: 

  • Time management and procrastination  
  • Notetaking strategies
  • Setting goals
  • Motivation to complete assignments
  • Communicating with professors 
  • Motivation to attend classes
  • Test anxiety


Appointments are made through TracCloud,这是一个基于网络的管理系统,可以让你搜索和预约约会.


You can also schedule your academic coaching meeting by:  

  • 参观位于奥尔登图书馆230号的学术成就中心 
  • Calling the Academic Achievement Center at 740.593.2644 
  • Emailing 

Meet Your Academic Coaches

Counselor Education Program
Jennifer Baldwin

詹妮弗·鲍德温(Jennifer Baldwin)是newbb电子平台辅导员教育项目的研究生. 她还拥有特殊教育硕士学位和心理学学士学位. She enjoys connecting with and supporting students from all walks of life and with a variety of educational needs. 作为一个不断学习的人,她觉得和大学生一起工作特别有趣. She brings a holistic approach to Academic Coaching. 

Integrated Social Studies
Arthur Bargainer

亚瑟是巴顿教育学院综合社会研究专业的二年级学生. He enjoys working with students because he enjoys the relationships he builds and helping them grow as people. 在他的空闲时间,亚瑟喜欢阅读和疯狂地看任何他能找到的电视节目.

Clinical and Educational Counseling Cohorts
Hope Briles

Hope Diehl (Briles) is a first-year graduate student in both the Clinical and Educational Counseling cohorts. 她最喜欢的消遣是和丈夫一起看电影和电视节目. She enjoys teaching students new ways of planning out their coursework paths and finding the best solutions to make their college experience smoother.

Clinical Mental Health Counselor Education
Ally Burrington

Ally Burrington is a first-year graduate student in the Clinical Mental Health Counselor Education master’s program. They graduated with their bachelor’s degree in psychology from Mercyhurst University with a minor in Spanish language. 他们喜欢帮助学生实现他们的学术潜力,学习如何有效地学习, organize their time, and learn as much as they can! 自2018年以来,Ally一直担任导师,拥有与各种各样的人一起工作的经验. They are excited to start their time as an Academic Coach!

Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
Haley Carlson

海莉·卡尔森主修听力、言语和语言科学. 她喜欢与他人合作,并乐于帮助同学取得学业上的成功. 她希望为每一个与她见面的人创造一个舒适的环境.

Environmental Biology
Brenna Chaya

Brenna Chaya is a senior majoring in Environmental Biology and minoring in geography and business administration. Brenna is also a learning community leader on campus and enjoys working with students because it is fulfilling to help students create the path to reach their goals.

Fine Arts
Sabrina Day

Sabrina Day is a Fine Arts major with a concentration in Art Therapy and Printmaking and a minor in Psychology. As an Academic Coach, Sabrina喜欢与学生建立联系,帮助他们发现在俄亥俄取得成功的新方法. 她喜欢为学生提出符合他们优势和兴趣的新策略. 除了学术指导,Sabrina喜欢和朋友一起看电影,吃冰淇淋,画画. 她希望每个人都能看看学术辅导和AAC所提供的一切!

Kiley Ehlers

Kiley Ehlers is currently a junior studying Nursing. 她最喜欢和学生一起工作的是看到他们整个学期的进步. 她也喜欢看到学生们对学校的信心有多大的增长. Kiley’s dream is to work with Nurses Without Borders and travel to different countries helping those who don’t have access to medicine.

Sociology Pre-Law
Cara Finnegan

卡拉·芬尼根(她/她)是一名大三学生,在荣誉辅导学院学习社会学法律预科. 她还辅修了传播学,正在攻读法律、司法和文化方面的证书. Cara is very involved on campus as a student-journalist, CSLS Board member, a member of the Delta Zeta sorority, and more. She enjoys being an Academic Coach because she loves helping students learn the skills they need to be successful at OHIO!

Margaret Fox

Margaret Fox is a senior studying Journalism on the Strategic Communication track with a minor in Business Analytics. Her favorite part about being an Academic Coach is working with students throughout the semester and watching them learn, grow, and gain confidence in their academics. Outside of Academic Coaching, 玛格丽特是西门子软件公司的市场实习生,也是Scripps PRSSA的财务副总裁. She also enjoys going to the gym, reading thriller and fantasy novels, and visiting new coffeeshops and restaurants.

Political Science Pre-law
Eva Grace

Eva Grace(她/她)是一名三年级的政治学预科学生. 她还辅修了社会服务和法律、司法和文化证书. Eva is passionate about helping her community and is looking forward to supporting her peers as an Academic Coach in the AAC. Eva also loves outdoor activities like hiking and stargazing, as well as participating in student organization like Phi Alpha Delta and Political Science Majors Association.

Forensic Chemistry
Sydney Gross

Sydney Gross is a second-year Forensic Chemistry major, and she is very excited to be an Academic Coach this year. 她喜欢在时间管理技巧和任何计划方面提供帮助! She is a first-gen student who loves Smoothie Moves in Boyd Market and is excited to get started in the Academic Achievement Center.

Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
Olivia Hutchison

奥利维亚·哈奇森是听力、言语和语言科学专业的大四学生. One thing she enjoys about working with students is being able to help others obtain the best educational success possible and provide ways to get there! 

Exercise Physiology
Carmen King

卡门·金是newbb电子平台二年级的学生,主修运动生理学,辅修生物学. 她在俱乐部踢足球,她喜欢遛收容所的狗,看《newbb电子》. 卡门最兴奋的是与其他学生建立联系,分享成功的技巧和技巧! 

Journalism: News and Information
Grace Koennecke

Grace Koennecke是荣誉辅导newbb电子平台学:新闻与信息专业的大三学生. 她喜欢和学生一起工作,因为她喜欢帮助别人, 以及看到学生们在AAC取得进步时脸上的笑容! Grace also likes getting to know students as well. When not in the AAC, 她在校园里为多家出版物撰稿和编辑, including The Post, ACRN, and Backdrop Magazine!

AYA Integrated Language Arts
Clara Leder

Clara is an AYA Integrated Language Arts major. She hopes to teach middle or high school Language Arts one day. Clara loves to work with students because of her passion for helping others and is excited to make connections with students in the AAC. 寻找新的学习方式以及让所有人都能接受教育对克拉拉来说非常重要. 她很高兴能了解她的学生,帮助他们感到舒适和自信!

College Student Personnel
Abraham Loorig

亚伯拉罕·洛里格是巴顿教育学院的一名二年级研究生. He is pursuing a master’s degree in College Student Personnel. Abraham is also a published author and a passionate advocate and supporter of students; he has served many Ohio University students in areas such as time management, staying motivated to complete tasks, tracking assignments, and overcoming test anxiety, among others. His favorite part of working with students is getting the opportunity to support them through a difficult semester and encouraging them to be their best selves.

Kevin McDonald

Kevin McDonald is a junior and a second-year nursing student. He enjoys observing the results of students' growth throughout the duration of their Academic Coaching sessions. He is extremely excited to have a great semester with new students.

Psychology; Child and Family Studies
Annika McKinney

Annika McKinney is beginning her junior year in Fall 2023. She is double majoring in Psychology and Child and Family Studies. 她喜欢和学生一起工作,因为她知道大学有多难, and she likes to help relieve that stress off students’ shoulders! 

Engineering Technology and Management
Hannah Prante

Hannah Prante is majoring in Engineering Technology and Management. 与同学一起工作是一种很棒的经历,因为你可以与环境联系起来, the problems, and the upsides, as well. She is working to be her best as an Academic Coach, 她期待着在帮助学生的同时也在这个过程中学习. 

English and Communication Double Major
Kaela Ricket

Kaela Ricket is an English major and a Communications major. 她喜欢和学生一起工作,帮助他们制定组织计划和培养学习技能. Kaela loves to run in her free time and spend time reading outside!

Music Therapy
Savanna Rion

Savanna Rion is a second-year Music Therapy major. She transferred to OHIO after successfully achieving her associate degree in music at Sinclair Community College. She is primarily looking forward to helping students feel comfortable in finding their own pathways to achieving academic and personal success at the Academic Achievement Center. 她也非常热衷于发现让所有人都能学习的新方法. In her free time, Savanna enjoys hiking, playing video games, reading, and playing a wide variety of different instruments.

Psychology/Pre-Physical Therapy
Jessica Sexton

Jessica Sexton is a Psychology/Pre-Physical Therapy major. She enjoys working with students because she finds it rewarding to help others through passing on academic knowledge that can better their college career and give them a better, less stressful overall experience.

AYA Integrated Language Arts
Erin Smith

Erin Smith is a senior at Ohio University. She is studying AYA Integrated Language Arts and is hoping to teach Language Arts in high school or middle school. This is her fourth semester as an Academic Coach. Erin's favorite part of the job is working with students. Getting to meet new students and help them adjust to college and classes are the reasons she became an Academic Coach.

Hearing and Speech Language Sciences
Anna Spence

Anna Spence is a Hearing and Speech Language Sciences major who loves seeing students meet their full potential! She enjoys spending her free time with friends and family, as well as reading and watching documentaries. She is excited to help Ohio University students thrive in their classes and feel confident in themselves and their work.

Kara Switala

卡拉·斯维塔拉(Kara Switala)是传播学专业的三年级学生,辅修公共关系 & Advertising. Kara's favorite part about working with students is having the opportunity to help her peers and finding a new way to problem-solve each day. Kara enjoys seeing her students leave the appointment feeling relieved and confident to take on new challenges.

English - Creative Writing
Lily Wissler

Lily Wissler (she/her) is studying English - Creative Writing. 她期待着帮助她的同龄人制定个性化的学习计划! 

Master of Science in Journalism
Chin Wai (Rosie) Wong

黄建伟(Chin Wai (Rosie) Wong)是E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. 她很高兴在2023年秋季加入学术成就中心(AAC)担任学术教练. 罗西在公共演讲和英语作为外语的学生方面有经验, and with teachers on class planning and assignment reviews. She is also skilled in academic and professional advising, 以及在学生经历人生不同阶段时给予他们指导. 罗茜珍惜与学生相处的时间,了解他们的背景和教育需求. She looks forward to supporting students in their academic pursuits and working with staff members and other mentors at the AAC.

Computer Science
Izaak White

伊扎克·怀特(Izaak White)是俄罗斯工程技术学院计算机科学专业的学生. He looks forward to leveraging his ongoing education to guide fellow students through their academic journey. 伊扎克渴望为同龄人的成功做出贡献,并产生积极的影响.

What's Academic Coaching vs. Peer Tutoring?

Our amazing student tutors created this helpful video explain the difference between academic coaching and peer tutoring. Need help? Drop by or make an appointment with the Academic Achievement Center.