
企业如何使用人工智能? Navigating 人工智能 trends in business

The world of business is a constantly innovative field, including the lately popularized field of 人工智能, 或人工智能. 

AI is already reshaping companies and redefining rules in industries. Whether it is used to automate business processes or data analysis, AI is changing traditional business practices — and OHIO is preparing its students every step of the way. 

无论你是一名即将入学的商科学生, inspiring entrepreneur or an adept professional, understanding AI and the impact on businesses is now essential along with the ethical processes. 


AI has been around for longer than we might think, according to Dr. 吉姆大步走, associate dean of undergraduate programs in the 商学院,博士。. Brian Hoyt, professor of management and director of the Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB) program. From human resource job filters to customer service chatbots, businesses have been using AI to improve products and streamline processes for years.

“产品写作正在使用人工智能. 通过机器学习, 人工智能写的, they look at profiles of customers that buy the product, and then they rewrite the product descriptions,霍伊特说.  

现在, 然而, AI is becoming more publicly available with free tools such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. 当涉及到任何行业的业务时, running smoothly and efficiently can be seen as top priorities. With the aid of AI, efficiency in the workplace is starting to look different. 

“AI is automating some processes that have been high-level thinking labor,斯特罗德说. “例如, something we wouldn’t rely necessarily on a computer to do for us before, but now we’re getting to a point with the algorithms and the amount of information out there that it could be replicated. These tools are being used by businesses not necessarily to replace [workers], but rather supplement and bring productivity in the workplace to another level.” 

Hoyt notes there are four groups of 人工智能 users to pay attention to: technology experts, 政府官员, 早期采用者和影响者. 

“There’s a lot to sift through, but I think the direction of AI will come from those four categories. 无论是在市场营销方面, HR, 或者其他商业行为, we can learn more [from each of them] and examine best practices for the future,霍伊特说. 


Innovators and early adopters are the first two groups to try out new technological advances. Influencers may not always be the first but can advocate and showcase to others the benefits and use of technology or in this case, AI. 

AI isn’t the first innovation to be utilized across multiple industries – Hoyt recalls the surge of business analytics. 

“AI is going to trend very much like business analytics did, where all of a sudden organizations are going ‘we have all this big data available’ but nobody knew where it was going or how to analyze it,霍伊特说. “Their first response was to establish a new Business Analytics Department to better understand the integration of analytics into their organization. Then those companies needed people who understood the algorithms and the data in each functional department – such as marketing, HR, 等等....... Finally, jobs were in demand for people with that analytics skillset. 人工智能很可能会遵循这一顺序.” 

像以前一样, business students are ready to be equipped with the desired skillset companies are after. 

“When we look at how our business students are going to adapt and evolve, 我得说他们一直在适应和进化. Business students are sometimes your early adopters when it comes to these new technologies because the marketplace demands it,斯特罗德说. 

Students ready for the companies of today and tomorrow

The 商学院 is dedicated to teaching future innovative business leaders, which means being ready to discuss new advances in business. 而许多节目都是在校园里进行的, there is also an option for those wanting to develop their skills remotely – the BSB program. 

“As we move forward, we’re building a degree through ideas of flexibility and agility. We can’t put a program together and expect it’s going to look like that for 20 years, 甚至10年,霍伊特说. 

通过BSB项目, students will be equipped with the business skills for the career they want, which includes learning how to best implement AI in the workplace. 

 “A business degree is so broadly applicable,” Robert Föehl, J.D., executive-in-residence for business law and ethics, said. “It’s going to be helpful in not only for-profit organizations, but virtually any endeavor you want to engage in – non-profits organizations, 媒体机构, 大学, 政府机构, 医疗保健服务, 等等.......”

BSB项目 is an 100% fully online business degree program, designed to help students at any career stage be prepared for careers in marketing, 人力资源, supply chain management or technical project management. Students are also able to start the program on one of OHIO’s regional campuses and finish it online. 

Career opportunities and admission requirements for the BSB program are 可于网页浏览

Jalyn Bolyard